MSI has introduced a new G series gaming laptop, called the MSI GX780. The MSI GX780 laptop is boasts up to Intel Core i7-2820QM Quad Processor or Intel Core i7-2920XM Processor Extreme Edition, a 17.3-inch (1920 x 1080 or 1600 x 900) LED-backlit display, an nVIDIA GeForce GTX 555M graphics with 1GB GDDR5 display memory, up to 16GB of RAM, and up to two hard drives.
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Posts Tagged ‘Intel Core i7-2820QM’
MSI GX780 17.3-Inch Gaming Laptop
Origin EON 17-S 17.3-Inch High-Performance Laptop
The Origin EON 17-S high-performance laptop is boast up to Intel Core i7-2920XM (2.5GHz) Extreme Edition processor, up to 32GB of memory, up to 750GB HDD or up to 512GB SSD, a 17.3-inch LED backlit display with resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, and a choice of AMD Radeon HD6970M 2GB, Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M 1.5GB, Nvidia GeForce GTX 4670M 1.5GB or Nvidia GeForce GTX485M 2GB discrete graphics.
Origin EON 15-S 15.6-Inch Ultra-Powerful Laptop
The Origin EON 15-S ultra-powerful laptop features the second generation of the Intel Core i7 mobile processors, a 15.6-inch LED backlit display with resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, up to 16GB of memory, up to 750GB HDD or up to 512GB SSD, and a choice of AMD Radeon HD6970M 2GB, Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M 1.5GB or Nvidia GeForce GTX485M 2GB discrete graphics.
System 76 Gazelle and Serval Sandy Bridge-based Laptop with Ubuntu
System 76 has announced the Gazelle Professional and Serval Professional laptops with the 2nd Generation Intel Core “Sandy Bridge” processors.
The Gazelle Professional feature up to Intel Core i7-2820QM Processor and Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M graphics, while the Serval Professional boast up to Intel Core i7-2920XM Processor Extreme Edition and Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M or GTX 485M graphics.
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