ASUS has announced a new ultra-thin and light laptop for the Japanese market. Measuring only 19.6 mm thick and weighing 1.40 kg, the UM30 sports a 13.3-inch TFT LED-backlit display, an Intel Core 2 Duo SU 9400 processor, a 3GB DDR2 SDRAM, a 320GB HDD, 4 in 1 Card Reader (SD, SDHC, Mini SD and MMC), WiFi, Bluetooth and runs on Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit OS. Available from today (December 5) and only in Japan. Its retail price is reported to be around 100,000 Yen (about $1,132).
Posts Tagged ‘Core 2 Duo SU 9400’
ASUS UM30 13.3-Inch Ultra-Thin Laptop For Japan
Published by Admin on December 5th, 2009 - in Laptop News